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Manipulation and emotional blackmail

The most powerful form of manipulation

Your life according to what and where you yourself believe what you yourself know that life is good for you, no matter what others think or say

A contribution of Ans Remmits

What is emotional blackmail?
Do you people ever say to you:

“If you really would love me then
Look what you calling me
Do not leave me, otherwise
You’re the only one who can help me ”

If you recognize any of these statements, you have to deal with emotional blackmail. This is a powerful form of manipulation in which people threaten to punish us if we do not do what they want. e.g. we call bad or selfish by their ill on you to slide, etc.

How does emotional blackmail?
To cut a long story short, here is a concrete example that you feel what is meant by emotional blackmail.

Request: your father wants something from you

Resistance: you do not want that and says no

Pressure: your father’s trying to pressure rather than your refusal to understand

Threats: Your father gave you on the consequences of your behavior: if you do not then ….

Admit you’re scared and admits

Repeat: your father’s experience, this works for you and will repeat his behavior in the future.

Which means using the blackmailer?
His sentence at all costs by driving creates the blackmailer FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt). Translated this means:

Scare: Do what I say or else … and a number of threats as follows: you must do this because otherwise I will leave you, stop loving you, you disapprove of, not speak to you

You do feel obliged to do something he says it’s your duty! E.g. a good daughter obeys her father, or at work, listen and obey the boss

Debt on your slide: You’re a bad person if you do not.

To summarize the words of the singer: you would, you have to, you are required, you owe me owe this.

Characteristics of the blackmailer
They hate loss
You does not count, only those
They want at all costs that you do what they want because they are not able to cope with frustration
They are completely focused on herself, “I want it NOW”
Making elephants mosquitoes
Aggressive behavior makes them feel powerful
Actually they are scarey people
She never compromises Close
Always point the finger at the other because they certainly do not want to look at their own behavior, but only to what the other so-called mistakes.
See having a different opinion as a direct attack on itself
Characteristics of people who allow themselves to blackmail
The above shows that the blackmailer only puts the blame on one another: you have done. Oddly enough the people who point to blackmail with the finger to the other, he is such a bogeyman. Yes, that’s true but ….

where a blackmailer, there is also a person who lets himself be blackmailed. In other words, you let the other person that you blackmailing. You let scare you. You shall ensure that the other has his way. But why are you doing this? What are your motives? To mention a few:

Need for approval “if I do not get approval there is something wrong with me”
Often the Atlas syndrome: a strong sense of responsibility.
The women also suffer again often the syndrome Brave Girls
They are self-doubters: maybe it’s true that I … maybe I’m missing something
Laying Authority on the other: they know better than me
Danger from the response to emotional blackmail is that you lose your integrity and your self-respect. You betray yourself by not being faithful to yourself. For the relationship with the other, this means you have lost confidence in others and why you’re talking only superficial small talk. It is contact without intimacy because you do not feel safe with the blackmailer.

If you now own more you actually want to live life, then you end emotional blackmail in different ways, each of interest. I mention below some possible exercises.

Sign a contract with yourself

v.b. Text: I …. see myself as a mature man with many choices. I’m going now cause emotional blackmail from my life disappears. To achieve this goal I talk to myself the following questions:

I promise myself that fear, guilt and so-called obligations no longer define my decisions.

I promise myself that I bother doing this for all sorts of skills to learn and integrate into my life.

I promise myself that if I drop in again sometime an old pattern, I do not want to use as an excuse to stop the suppression of Emotional Blackmail in my life. I see no real mistake is a mistake as long as I am willing to learn.

I promise myself that I look after myself and will make every step, however small, will appreciate.

Name Date

Read this contract, then every day for 1 week

Motto: I can take it
Instead of: ‘I can not bear this guilt, I can not stand that he is mad at me. ”

Practice this statement in mind if someone blackmails. The words I can it be this way a kind of shield between you and his or her words or gestures

Convert old thoughts and feelings in new
As you think, if you feel well. Therefore, it is useful first to find out how you’re doing now negative. Purpose, the following questions were formulated:

If you have a blackmailer, how do you respond? Example:

I tell myself that what I want is wrong

I am not for myself

I tell myself that it pays to admit, because other than keep quiet

How do you feel as if you respond to the blackmailer? Example:

Scared, angry, resentful, frustrated, powerless

Now go the opposite note, for example:

What I want is normal, even if the blackmailer does evil

I assert myself, even if the other evils

By admitting I lose my integrity

What are your feelings new here: for example

Strong, proud, brave, excited

Finally, now make a kind of summary which is affirmation. Example:

“I’m against emotional blackmail and I feel this / this strong and proud.”

Send out an SOS
If you think you succumb, will yield to the demands of the other into against your will, fear, you can send an SOS. That is, you uses three techniques: Stop Observing Strategy

Stop doing nothing, take no decision. How?
“Let me think about” Maybe the blackmailer has a deadline, but that’s not your deadline.

The singer will push: no NOW Now, how long before you know it? Your answer:

“It takes as long as it takes” and you repeat it. You now have another put on hold position so that the balance of power in favor of you has changed

Accept the awkward fix: I can it.

If you’ve done well but you still feel bad try these uncomfortable feelings in a broader perspective: it is only one aspect of the situation instead that a comprehensive totality. Endure these uncomfortable feelings that you reach your goal!

Dialogue with the uncomfortable feeling, take an object that symbolizes this feeling, put it on an empty chair and go talk. This place you feel you out and you will be better able to deal with.

Ask yourself the following questions for an unloaded picture of what is going on.

What did the person, how was this request, what did he not immediately agreed
What do you think yourself: write all this. You may think something like
If I love someone, I am responsible for his happiness

Good people make other people happy

If I do what I want, the other sees me as selfish

I never win this person

The other is stronger

Their feelings are more important than mine

Remember: none of these thoughts are true!

Observe your feelings and take it too seriously. Every time you feelings of resentment or anger, then this indicates that the request is not in your interest.

See the application below: what makes me so uncomfortable, notice is also taken into consideration my feelings and wishes, what benefit is there for me.

If I say yes, this would hurt me


I betrayed someone like me will say yes? Yes. I betrayed myself!

Do I stand for that which I believe

Let me identify myself with fear

I’ll decide who I am, or I let others define who I am: you’re bad, selfish, etc.

Final Question: If it all to me, what should I do?

If you know what you want to say, you have a good transfer.

No statement or explanation: “I do not want that, I feel not”

Not self-defense: I’m not bad etc.In instead say


Frightened and screaming does not help

Let’s talk more when you’re calmer weather

You are absolutely right (even if you did not mean)

Dealing with threats like: you’ll be sorry, I’m sick because of you

You say it


Apparently we see things differently

I have a different view

For the strategy to succeed, it needed a good mental attitude.
Remember that you are asking something reasonable: stop manipulating me.

You’re afraid that now the relationship breaks down, but that’s as bad as it destroy the relationship with yourself

You can win this war: not to flee = admit, but by learning to cope with unpleasant feelings. “I can bear censure as long as I stay connected to my integrity”. Hold on to your own standards, values, desires and wishes.

That the strategy is working, you can prepare yourself in different ways
Go into the shoes of the singer, with your after him in words and behavior, feel how it is. You will notice that you do not feel powerful and that’s not such a person. It is a little frightened child. Powerful people will not com under pressure and do something against your will.

If you are afraid of a black hole to fall “and that if that happens …..” try this in mind, every black hole steps. And then go after what is the opposite of the black hole example dealing with friends. If you’re afraid of difficult days, think as much as possible the best day of your life

Liabilities: Think about what the other expects all yours, write this down. And then you rewrite the list with the meaning behind it: where is this written bv a good mother to the wishes of her children to meet …. where is it written that a good mother to meet the needs of her children

Guilt: You should not feel guilty because you want to do something to enrich your life.

Allegations: these are only: views, opinions, projections (return address)

If the other person calls you selfish, repeat to yourself, his opinion is not fact

Guilt are often more stubborn, so here are two exercises

Exercise: The Paradox
Place an empty chair for you and put you in mind for the blackmailer. Now go do admit “I know you can not do without me, so I will do anything you want. I figure I absolutely love for you and will always take care of you even to the detriment of myself” If you so talk, feel how ridiculous the request of the other is!

Exercise: Fantasy
guilt tackled with e.g. a fairy tale. Write story about your relationship with your sister. By doing this you get more insight into the relationship that makes you feel so guilty

To conclude, I say: stay true to yourself, deny yourself, listen to yourself. So that you do for yourself and your best friend continues. By not betray yourself, you can maintain confidence and self-esteem and strengthen. And only then are really fun and enjoy the life that you given, possibly

Enjoy your life, it’s your life!

Recognize the causes of your fatigue

A whole series of causes fatigue may provide. Our society is demanding, the most ingenious uses of equipment and we make more and more use of a quick bite or eat food on a high-tech way is established. Usually it is sufficient to take a good rest, healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Sometimes there is more going on and it is therefore necessary to be sure to listen to your body. Stress and workload Stress and a high pressure exhaust the body. We are torn by the combination of a full time job, a household, working with the kids and running from one extracurricular activity to another. There is hardly a balance between these activities and relaxation that our body needs. Insufficient physical activity It may sound strange and ambiguous, but sufficient exercise and sports is needed to mentally relax. After an evening workout you have the feeling completely recharged and new energy. Insufficient good night’s sleep Insufficient sleep, late night noise and sleep are also factors that ensure that we get tired. A good and sound sleep is necessary to fit again to start the day. People who live near an airport and suffer from the takeoff and landing aircraft touch after a while completely off balance. A poor or inadequate food A deficient diet with enough vitamins and minerals. Too much salt, sugar and toxic substances are all factors that make you sluggish. Our body has a balanced diet requires that you provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. Fast-acting sugars give you just a brief power surge and then fall to cause a blood sugar that make you sluggish. Too much drinking For all organs to function properly we need a full diet and drink enough but we should. Dehydration symptoms are the body and debilitating fatigue is also the first sign of dehydration. Endurance athletes use sports drinks containing therefore the fluid in the body long hangs. This keeps them more fit and energetic. Coffee, alcohol and smoking The caffeine in coffee ensures that we get an extra surge of energy. Usually this is unsustainable and we then get a blood drop which is even more fatigue. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system and lowers blood sugar. Smoking has an effect on long-term fatigue and dependence on nicotine are you going after a time at night to wake up a cigarette to stabbing. Irregular life People with an irregular lifestyle. Working in shifts or night work are extremely unhealthy. Our bodies need a good sleep and daytime sleep does not help us enough to recover. After a while, the fatigue so strong that we must insert a recovery period. Exhaustion as a first symptom of a disease. If none of the above reasons apply, we must think of an underlying illness or the use of toxic substances. Infectious diseases, chronic fatigue, arthritis, pregnancy, medication such as cortisone and amphetamines, drugs, and ultimately pepmiddelen cancer extreme fatigue concerns.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Intense emotion can narrow your thinking and leave you feeling dazed, isolated and out-of-control. Repeated or unexpected loss can result in tiredness and lethargy, while high levels of stress causes avoidance. In order to manage painful emotions, people can find themselves limiting experience and constricting their activities and thoughts. Fear of rejection and loss lead to avoidance of situations that might result in loss or rejection. In an attempt to prevent more negative experiences and to escape potential painful emotions some begin to limit what they allow themselves to do. Rather than approach new situations that could possibly trigger any strong emotion, they avoid and evade.

If you avoid new experiences out of fear, your fear does not decrease over time. In fact, steering clear of new experiences keeps your fear in high gear. Your previous loss, rejection or pain is the primary motivator for your actions. Not all new experiences cause loss, rejection, stress and anxiety. But the only way to learn that is to get out there and try.

I met a woman recently who is young, single and wanting to meet someone. She has never been outgoing, but had previously met a man she connected to and hoped would be a life partner. It didn’t work out and, unfortunately, ended quite badly. She felt bitterly rejected. Afterwards she decided that because she is someone who feels emotions strongly, she has to be careful not to risk getting close to someone.

Initially protecting herself from further pain makes sense. No one wants repeated extreme emotion and rejection. It is normal to become protective of ourselves after a loss in order to have time to recover. However, to fully experience what life has to offer, we must again take some risks with our emotions.

To find someone to share her life, this young woman will have to risk rejection and loss again. Her instincts have been to protect herself. To hide from opportunities to connect. She works, spends time with friends and lives her life, but she has not allowed herself to date and find emotional closeness since her break-up.

Stepping outside your comfort zone into fear and apprehension is one of the primary ways to reduce the anxiety about the experience. Once you expose yourself to the feared situation without negative consequences, you begin to learn that you no longer have to avoid. Below are some tips on how to begin. However, if your fear is intense or you’ve had a traumatic experience, you may want to discuss how to approach feared situations with a therapist, before trying on your own.


Borderline Personality Disorder: Joanie’s Story

In our continuing series on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (see links below), we will look today at the story of Joanie. Joanie began to display the initial symptoms of BPD when she was in her late teens but was not formally diagnosed with the disorder for several years.

As is typical of persons suffering BPD, Joanie’s personality is essentially unstable, with inexplicable mood swings and rapid changes in her view of her own self. Hence her “apparent” self esteem could range from being very outgoing and confident to being self absorbed and unsure of herself. In reality, Joanie has low self esteem but the image she presents to the world is governed by the company and situation she is in. One of the first things one notices about Joanie is her friendliness. But after just five to ten minutes, the casual observer begins to realize that there is something unnatural about this friendliness. Because of pronounced boundary problems, which is also a typical attribute of those suffering from this disorder, Joanie comes on too strong too soon. There is a false closeness that she radiates, as though she has known you for years and yet you might only have met her just 15 minutes earlier.


The Causes of Memory Loss

The Causes of Memory Loss March 8th, 2010 | Disorders | 0 Comments The loss of memory usually begins innocently. One day you forget your house keys or unable to remember someone’s name. Maybe even your own name. Fortunately, memory loss is not inevitable and can be cured by taking preventive measures. The first step is in identifying the possible causes of memory loss. Some common causes of memory loss include old age, trauma, smoking, alcohol abuse and medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Stress It is more difficult to recall or learn something when you are feeling stressed, tired, anxious or angry – symptoms of overworking your mind. The human body is built to protect itself, and this could be a possible cause of memory loss as your mind is handling more than enough already. In order to deal with this, make an effort to give yourself a break. You will find that you are able to remember more easily when your mind is alert and well-rested. This allows you to pay greater attention and commit more to memory. Healthy stress will provide you with a challenge, whilst unhealthy stress can make learning more difficult. Working under stress is a cause of memory loss as your mind has too many things to cope with, and may not be a symptom of dementia. For pregnant women experiencing stress, the child may face learning difficulties and shrink part of the mind that is related to memory.


Five Emotional Sinkholes and Four Ways To Express Feelings

Actually all emotions are created equally through our conditioned minds and are to be handled with great care. In fact, you can get into quite a mess operating with a one-size-fits-all policy! Imagine if you kidded your boss like you do your spouse, or were as tough on your young child as you are with a competitor. You wouldn’t treat all your business associates, friends or family members the same, would you? Neither would you treat different physical illnesses, psychological challenges or anything else in an identical fashion. Emotions are no different in wisely adapting a unique approach for each. Five emotion clusters are best handled with kid gloves, that is, they are possibly “dangerous—handle with care!” The apparent dangerousness of emotions, especially the following five emotional sinkholes, is understandable given how moods and emotions are the result of our thinking conditioned mind influencing a feeling with thoughts, opinions, evaluations, comparisons, and interpretations along with lots of energy and animation.

I’m convinced that human beings have the ability to infinitely concentrate their mind, attention and activity on any feeling or emotion, thereby enhancing that state. However, these five distressing clusters of emotions or affects are particularly susceptible to this occurring and corrosive to the person feeling them and often those around them. To be able to objectively stand apart from uncomfortable emotions is to have the witnessing opportunity to disarm the ego-mind in shedding all dysfunctional thinking influence and surrender the emotions. To be enmeshed, entangled, and involved in these same difficult emotions is to be their resentful slave. In developing your awareness of emotions, it is critical to spot these emotional sinkholes because you are at greater risk. These five affective clusters are potentially depthless in our expressing them. A wise saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.”



My ADHD/LD son is 13. I recently decided, against my better judgment, to get him a cell phone and allow him to text. I set limits of usage, allowing only 200 texts per month with our data plan. I soon realized that his life started to revolve around his new found freedom. He felt powerless without his phone. It was an ever-present accessory that I soon began to despise. I randomly checked his texts to make sure he was sending and receiving age appropriate messages. I was shocked at what I found. His “friends” had began bullying him via text. We successfully addressed and eliminated the bullying issue at school and on the bus during the first month of school. Now, it has crept back into his life.

click here for more…

Canadian scientists discover gene for depression

Canadian scientists have discovered a gene that makes some people susceptible to depression. Speaking in the Forum of European Neuroscience today (9 July), Professor Nicholas Barden said: “This is a major breakthrough in the field of psychiatry and groundbreaking impact on the diagnosis and development of new anti-depressant therapy.” ! br! It is known for many years that genetic factors at the root of depression and bipolar disorder, but the complex molecular networks involved remain unknown. “The actual gene, known as P2RX7, is found in humans and animals and is responsible for a depression. It has taken many years to find,” says neuroscientist, professor of Bards Chul Research Centre in Quebec. Find it very important in uncovering the molecular pathways involved in depression. The results were published in May 2006 American Journal of Medical Genetics * During their lifetimij, approximately 5-12% of men and 10-25% of women experience at least one episode of depression. People with bipolar disorder – also known as manic depression – experience extreme mood swings. The total social costs of depressive disorders is estimated at billions of dollars annually. In 2020, depression is expected to rank first in disease burden in economically developed countries. Depression has until now often associated with the serotonin system in the brain, a system that can affect mood and emotion. “What is particularly exciting is that P2RX7 has nothing to do with serotonin,” said Professor Barden. Drugs that increase the flow of serotonin can be effective anti-depressants, but take weeks to become effective. The fact that P2RX7 nothing to do with serotonin could partly explain it. Animal studies have shown that this gene is known to be expressed in brain areas involved in depression and depressive-like behavior in mice could be reversed by treatment with drugs that stimulate P2RX7.! br! br! P2RX7 also plays an important role in the response of the brains to inflammation, which is known to be part of many neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition, stress hormones decrease the activity of this gene, suggesting a mechanism for the onset of depression following severe stress. “A person can be the mutated gene, but it means ‘default setting’ that they can not develop depression. We do not know how P2RX7 work and we still believe that many genes are included in the same route that can lead to depression , “said Professor Barden. The identification of the gene means that anti-depressants in the future, the objective of the gene directly. With anti-depressants currently focused on the serotonin system, P2RX7 is beaten to a degree. In animal studies, activators of P2RX7 have an antidepressant action immediately, giving hope that a nieuweTI-depressant medication, with a new mechanism can be developed.


Memory Techniques to Help Your ADHD / LD Child

Does your LD child have problems remembering certain facts in science, math, history or English class? Have you tried using mnemonics (pronounced ni-mon-iks) to help him recall facts?

These memorization techniques have been invaluable in my son’s schooling. A few of his favorites include:

    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
    (This helps students remember the order of the colors in a rainbow)


  • Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
    Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
    (This allows students to remember the Order of Operations in math)


  • My Very Earnest Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
    (This is an easy way to remember the order of the planets from the sun out)


  • Thirty days hath September, …
    (I even use this mnemonic to help me remember the number of days each month)
    Thirty days hath September,
    April, June, and November;
    All the rest have thirty-one
    Excepting February alone:
    Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine,
    Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.


    Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior
    (An easy way to remember the five Great Lakes)


  • In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

For additional mnemonics and other memory techniques you can utilize to help your child, visit these websites:

Does your child need to remember something that you can’t find a mnemonic for? Visit the following site, which offers a free mnemonic generator:



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